The Day Reality Cracked …

Future historians may identify President John Kennedy’s November 22, 1963 assassination as the day when the governing reality first cracked.

Sixty years later, the crack has widened to the point that changes in people’s general thinking, from ‘Me’ to ‘We’ and from “Compete & Conquer” to “Cooperate & Complement” reveal the imminent arrival of a new reality.

Reality is Malleable. A Reality Shift is here, now. While the 20th Century was defined by war, the 21st Century is defining itself by peace.

“A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together is reality. John Lennon

The New Abundance

“The Iron Law” states “… there is an inevitably and inescapably close relationship between economic growth rates and the growth rates for energy [and oil] use.” [Source: Daniel Yergin, The Prize]

Now that the people of the world have an unlimited supply of electricity from the sun, and the ability to independently communicate and organize, a new “Organizing System” is possible.

What’s an “Organizing System”? — Ask The RethinkX Project

James Arbib & Tony Sepa founded The RethinkX Project. The following quotes are taken from their Rethinking Humanity — it’s a free download.

“Successful Organizing Systems enable increases in societal capabilities. That is, they help societies capture the possibilities opened up by technology and create the conditions for further technological progress.” Rethinking Humanity, James Arbib & Tony Sepa, RethinkX Project

“Change in complex systems can be characterized by long periods of stability punctuated by short periods of rapid change.” Rethinking Humanity, James Arbib & Tony Seba, The RethinkX Project

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Grandpa Whittles aka MisterSustainability

You are an eternal being engaged in a brief mortal experience--this is not reality, it's practice before the real game! Get it?